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BMW’s CSR Has been contributing to rural revitalization for 12 years
BMW supports rural education in two counties in Yunnan for the third time with a donation of 2 million RMB

(Beijing) Recently, BMW China announced a donation of 2 million RMB via the China Education Development Foundation – BMW Warm Heart Fund to support the education in Jinping and Malipo counties in Yunnan Province. The BMW JOY Home program, as part of BMW CSR, has been providing financial support to poor students and teachers in the two counties since 2011. This is the third donation BMW has made to the same region for the development of education in 12 consecutive years. It is an explicit reflection of BMW CSR value with focus on long-term commitment and the urgency of social issues, taking practical action to contribute to Chinese society.

BMW JOY Home has planned activities from 2023 to 2025 to support education in certain places in Jinping and Malipo counties, Yunnan Province, including improving local school conditions and supporting the training of local talents. With a donation of 1 million RMB, the BMW Group is launching a three-year financial support program that will provide 125 outstanding high school graduates who have been admitted to university with 8,000 RMB each to ease the financial burden on their families and help them successfully complete their studies. Meanwhile, a further 1 million RMB will be donated to Malipo County to fund five local primary and secondary schools to install 40 sets of all-in-one interactive teaching machines in batches. This will provide solid support for the digitalization of education in the area. Over the next three years, it is expected that more than 8,000 local teachers and students will directly benefit from the educational support provided in the two counties, playing a positive role in promoting the integration of urban and rural education and the revitalization of rural areas.

Jochen Goller, President and CEO of BMW Group Region China, said, “For BMW sustainability is much more than just being green and lowering our carbon footprint, it is also about caring for people and society. Through BMW China’s ‘JOY Home’ program, which is running for over 12 years now, we have been consistently focusing on key social aspects, such as rural revitalization and the balanced development of education. In this context, BMW actively engages all parts of society including a broad range of stakeholders to contribute to important nationwide initiatives such as Invigorating China through Science and Education, the Workforce Development Strategy and to continuously contribute to Chinese society’s high-quality development.”

With its official launch in 2011, the BMW JOY Home program has been concentrating on the issues of children development, rural education, and other related social issues while engaging various stakeholders. More than 150,000 rural children have benefited from the program over the past ten more years. Paying close attention to the changing social agendas, BMW JOY Home responds actively to the national comprehensive rural revitalization. With the launch of the BMW JOY Home Self-Strengthening Movement, between 2021 and 2023, the program has seen BMW JOY Home schools established in many of poverty-stricken counties in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, and Guizhou, and has built them into sports model schools in partnership with the China Education Development Foundation to support rural schools in improving physical education. To date, the Self-Strengthening Movement has held five training sessions for around 180 physical education teachers from 35 rural schools in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, and Guizhou, totally benefiting nearly 60,000 students.

Jinping and Malipo in Yunnan were national-level poor counties and were declared getting out of poverty successfully in 2020. The BMW Warm Heart Fund has been helping education in Jinping and Malipo counties since 2011, including providing financial and other enabling support to teachers and students living in poverty. As of 2017, the BMW Warm Heart Fund has donated a total of nearly 2 million RMB to the two counties, directly benefiting more than 700 needy teachers and students. In 2022, the BMW JOY Home Self-Strengthening Movement identified schools in Jinping and Malipo counties in Yunnan Province and promoted the balanced development of local education in an enabling approach, contributing to rural education and rural revitalization. Now BMW JOY Home makes the donation for the third time, following the changing needs of educational resources in Jinping and Malipo counties. It once again demonstrates BMW CSR’s principle of long-term and addressing social needs.

BMW Group continues to create value for Chinese customers, local society, and industry for mutual growth. Paying close attention to and deeply understanding the social issues of concern to the Chinese government and society, BMW China CSR focuses on strategic social issues such as "cultural preservation" and "environmental protection” and carries out innovative thinking and actions to the four core programs are "BMW China Cultural Journey", "BMW Beautiful Home Initiative", "BMW Children's Home" and "BMW Children's Traffic Safety Training Camp". The four core programs are "BMW China Culture Journey", "BMW Beautiful Home Initiative", "BMW Children's Home" and "BMW Children's Traffic Safety Training Camp", and the China Education Development Foundation's BMW Caring Fund is used as a platform to bring together a wide range of stakeholders. Paying close attention to agendas of the government and society and based on its understanding and insights into the issues, BMW China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on “Culture Protection”, "Environmental Protection" and has launched four flagship projects - “BMW China Culture Journey”, “BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative”, “BMW Joy Home” and “BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education”. The China Education Development Foundation BMW Warm Heart Fund is also a platform to connect with stakeholders for broad participation. The BMW Group has been increasing its investments in CSR over the past decade, with the donation of around 160 million RMB to support the high-quality development of Chinese society.

Supporting Rural Revitalization, Fulfilling CSR in an Enabling Approach
BMW JOY Home Self-Strengthening Movement Provides Professional Training for Physical Education Teachers of Rural Schools

Recently, the BMW JOY Home Self-Strengthening Movement held online training on physical education curriculum for 84 physical education teachers from 19 rural schools in Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan. With a focus on "How to Give a Good Physical Education Lesson", this training provided different forms of curriculum guidance such as sports meetings and fun sports lessons. Adhering to the philosophy of "At Home in China", the BMW Group closely follows the social needs of rural revitalization in China and fulfills its corporate social responsibility in an enabling approach, contributing to rural education and rural revitalization.

In this online training, Professor Mao Zhenming, Chairman of the National School Physical Education League (Educational Reform), briefed physical education teachers on the national reform of school physical education. Professor Mao, also the first Dean of Beijing Normal University - College of P.E. and Sports, emphasized the significance of excellent physical education to families, schools and the country. Another three experts from the League elaborated on the theory and practice methods of fun sports lessons and sports meetings. They hoped to enrich the daily teaching content of physical education teachers and advocated schools to pay attention to the sportsmanship of students and build up their fitness, thereby promoting the all-round development of physical education in all schools.

As a CSR program implemented by BMW in China for more than 10 years, BMW JOY Home has kept abreast of the ever-changing social issues and continuously created social value in China with social needs in mind. With China's success in poverty alleviation, the social issue of rural left-behind children and urban migrant children has been improved significantly. Rural revitalization and beautiful countryside construction have become key social issues. In response to the national overall plan for rural revitalization, BMW China launched the "Self-Strengthening Movement" in partnership with the China Education Development Foundation to support rural schools in improving physical education.

The Movement aims to provide support for 52 schools in China's last 52 counties that achieved poverty alleviation in 2020 and include them into the BMW JOY Home program from 2021 to 2023. Meanwhile, it will help the schools diversify physical education and build them into 52 sports model schools. In 2021, the Movement completed training of physical education teachers from 16 rural schools in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. Following the online training, BMW JOY Home will organize offline guidance and training for 17 schools in Guangxi and Guizhou. In 2023, the Self-Strengthening Movement will cover 19 schools in Xinjiang, Gansu and Ningxia, eventually benefiting hundreds of physical education teachers and more than 100,000 students in 52 rural schools.

In this April, the Ministry of Education issued the Curriculum Standard for Physical Education and Health in Compulsory Education (2022 Edition). It is stipulated that the course of Physical Education and Health shall be taught in all grades of schools for 9-year compulsory education in China. With its proportion in the total teaching hours just behind Chinese and Mathematics, Physical Education and Health becomes the third major subject. Focusing on the professional growth of physical education teachers, the Self-Strengthening Movement supports physical education reform, advocates sportsmanship and explores the sports model suitable for rural schools, in a bid to drive the all-round development of physical education in all schools.

As the earliest BMW CSR program to extensively engage BMW dealers and customers, the BMW JOY Home program has seen 112 BMW JOY Home schools established in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across China and over 400 activities held, benefiting more than 130,000 children. Over 10,000 BMW associates, dealers and customers have participated in volunteer activities. In the future, the BMW JOY Home program also intends to provide opportunity for rural children to participate in different forms of sports activities such as the well-received BMW Hood to Coast relay, so as to deliver the concept of happy sports to every corner of the world and to children's hearts.

Committed to "At Home in China", BMW Group continues to create value for Chinese customers, the local society and auto industry for mutual growth. BMW believes that a responsible business has its sights set beyond sales and profit, and instead puts more focus on engaging stakeholders to jointly address social issues and contribute to local communities. Closely following and with deep insights into the Chinese government and society's major social agendas, BMW CSR targets three social issues - Culture Protection, Social Development and Environmental Protection - to continuously contribute to a better Chinese society through four flagship projects - BMW China Culture Journey, BMW Children's Traffic Safety Education, BMW JOY Home, and BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative.

A Step Forward in Fulfilling CSR and in Supporting Rural Education and Revitalization
2022 BMW JOY Home “Self-Strengthening Movement” Comes to Liangshan Prefecture SiChuan

(Sichuan) On July 18, the 2022 BMW JOY Home Summer Camp with the theme of “Amazing Kids”, was held at Siyuan Experimental School in Xide County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. At this year’s Summer Camp, BMW together with China Education Development Foundation, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, the National School Physical Education League and other social sectors, organized a volunteer team consisting of journalists, and held a series of activities that included joyful sports training, art and music classes, as well as starlight parties for 100 students and 23 teachers from ten BMW JOY Home "Self-Strengthening Movement" schools in the Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province. Adhering to the strategy of “At Home in China”, the BMW JOY Home program targets the social needs of rural revitalization and rural education, while engaging stakeholders and caring members of society through an innovative enabling approach to jointly contribute to rural education and rural revitalization.

Jochen Goller, President and CEO of BMW Group Region China, said, "‘ At Home in China’, BMW continues to create mutual value for our customers, the local society, and automotive industry. We firmly believe that good corporate citizenship encompasses the company’s deep social commitment well beyond pure business results. For consecutive eleven years now, BMW JOY Home has followed the social agenda, fulfilling corporate responsibility in an innovative way. In contributing to the rural education and rural vitalization, this important initiative is the perfect symbol for BMW’s corporate strategy ‘At Home in China’.

Dr. Franz Decker, President & CEO, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd said at the Camp’s kick-off ceremony, “Corporate Social Responsibility is an essential part of BMW Group’s sustainability strategy. BMW CSR always has followed three major social agendas of the Chinese government and society, Culture Protection, Social Development and Environmental Protection. The success of BMW JOY Home and BMW CSR in China can be attributed to our dedication to deeply engage with breakthrough ideas together with our stakeholders.”

Through pooling the resource strength and leveraging its own social influence, BMW JOY Home has become an enabling platform for promoting rural education in western China. Professor Ma Sai, Dean of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, together with a volunteer team of doctoral and graduate students from the Academy under his leadership, gave creative art lessons and inspired children in the "My Hometown" gouache paintings, created with the impressive ideas of the involved children. Meanwhile, singers from the Central Conservatory of Music participated in music classes to offer guidance, enabling children to express themselves with confidence on stage at the starlight parties. Through a variety of summer camp classes, this aesthetic education nourishes children’s souls and stimulates their creativity. The National School Physical Education League also plays an active role in the Summer Camp by sending along a team of experts, who arrange sports games and special sports classes so that BMW JOY Home teachers and students will be able to take part in physical education reform and benefit from the joy of sports.

Professor Ma Sai, Dean of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, said, “To serve the people and Chinese society is the main tenet of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University since its inception. In recent years, we cooperated with BMW Group in the protection of China’s national intangible cultural heritage, developing innovative solutions and achieving impressive results. It is a great pleasure to join hands with BMW CSR in running these Summer Camps. As a leading school in the field of art and design, we are on a mission to the Daliang Mountains to promote aesthetic education in schools and rural revitalization. By teaching children how to paint their beautiful homes, we hope we may initiate a love for their hometown in their young minds and encourage them to play an important role in rural development and revitalization.”

Miss. He Kexin, the world gymnastics champion, joined the summer camp as a caring volunteer. By sharing her aspirational story of personal struggle and growth, Kexin inspired children to remain confident and maintain a positive attitude towards life, along with performing physical and mental exercises. Furthermore, a group of media volunteers, led by Kexin and Dr. Franz Decker, President & CEO BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd, paid home visits to BMW JOY Home students. Their activities on the front line not only impressed children and showed them love, but also helped to reach the real needs of the community, something which is essential for the future implementation of the BMW JOY Home “Self-Strengthening Movement”.

By rolling out the Summer Camp this year, BMW JOY Home and China Education Development Foundation jointly called attention to social concerns over the physical and aesthetic education in rural schools, in the hope of channeling advantageous education resources in eastern areas into the mid-and-west to promote rural education.

Upon a great victory scored in China’s fight against poverty, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, State Council issued the Opinions on Consolidating the Poverty Alleviation Achievements and Effectively Transferring into Rural Revitalization this year, showing that rural revitalization has become an important topic in China’s new development stage. Education is a key factor in both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Some social surveys have shown that rural schools were generally challenged by the lower importance attached to physical education, a lack of teachers and monotonous teaching materials, etc. on their way to achieving the balanced development of quality education. On the other hand, the younger generations, as well as physical education in schools, have become prioritized strategically in the Sports Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised Draft) which will go into effect next year. Given these social needs, BMW JOY Home pooled its strength and jointly launched the future-oriented “Self-Strengthening Movement” in partnership with the China Education Development Foundation in 2021, aiming to promote the balanced development of rural education and contribute to rural revitalization. The Movement aims to provide support for 52 schools in China’s last 52 counties that achieved poverty alleviation in 2020 and include them into the BMW JOY Home program from 2021 to 2023. Meanwhile, it plans to build the 52 schools into model schools in China in terms of physical education by carrying out on-campus sports guidance and teacher training.

Siyuan Experimental School in Xide County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, where this year’s Summer Camp is located, was one of the first schools to join the “Self-Strengthening Movement” in 2021. While Xide County was identified as a "Priority County for National Rural Revitalization" by the Central Rural Work Leading Office and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau last August, the development of soft power in education still requires a support from wider society, although Liangshan County has improved its rural environment and campus hardware facilities following a successful programs of poverty alleviation.

Up to now, the “Self-Strengthening Movement” has supported 33 BMW JOY Home schools in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi and Guizhou provinces as scheduled. Meanwhile, BMW JOY Home worked in close cooperation with the National School Physical Education League and provided a variety of themed training sessions for physical education teachers in rural schools, making it an innovative and enabling branch of BMW’s CSR. Focused on exploring sports models suitable for rural schools while continuing the focus on sportsmanship, and designed to develop teams of rural physical education teachers and promote rural physical education, these training courses contained policy theories and diversified content for daily teaching. The "Self-Strengthening Movement" has organized professional training for 132 physical education teachers across 33 rural schools and will newly include another 19 schools in Xinjiang, Gansu and Ningxia next year.

Since its official launch in 2011, BMW JOY Home, through its own social influence and an innovative enabling approach, continuously engages stakeholders, caring members of society and NGOs to help BMW JOY Home become a sustainable, enabling platform with a snowballing effect. The BMW JOY Home program has seen 112 BMW JOY Home schools established in 29 provinces and autonomous regions across China and has held over 400 activities, benefiting more than 130,000 left-behind and migrant children. Over 10,000 BMW associates, dealers and customers have participated in volunteer activities.

At home in China, BMW Group China continues to create value for the customer, local society, and industry for mutual growth. BMW believes that a responsible business has its sights set beyond sales and profit, and instead puts more focus on engaging stakeholders to jointly address social issues and contribute to local communities. Closely following and with deep insights into the Chinese government and society’s major social agendas, BMW CSR targets three social issues—Culture Protection, Social Development and Environmental Protection—to continuously contribute to a better Chinese society through four flagship projects—BMW China Culture Journey, BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education, BMW JOY Home, and BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative.

BMW Warm Heart Fund Continues to Support Education Development of BMW JOY Home Schools

(Beijing) As we herald the start of autumn in September, students start to go back to schools. Danma School located in Tianjiazhai Township, Huangzhong District, Xining, Qinghai province is welcoming its students back for a new semester with five more classes equipped with new smart blackboards. At the same time, students from Wutai Primary School in Yaoji Township, Shangshui County, Zhoukou, Henan province are happy to see over 13,000 new books collected in their library. These smart blackboards and books are all donated by the BMW Warm Heart Fund, which has long donated teaching materials to BMW JOY Home schools to help them improve teaching quality.

Wutai Primary School and Danma School are two rural schools in remote areas with poor teaching conditions and a lack of teaching resources. Sponsored by the BMW Warm Heart Fund, the BMW JOY Home was landed in Wutai Primary School in 2018 and Danma School in 2019, aiming to promote local education development and improve teaching conditions. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the BMW Warm Heart Fund has donated epidemic prevention supplies worth nearly 700,000 yuan to 44 BMW JOY Home schools nationwide including Wutai Primary School and Danma School, helping students return to school with no worries. In 2020, the BMW Warm Heart Fund donated football fields to 9 BMW JOY Home schools, one of which is Wutai Primary School. This April, the school built a new library which has so far received thousands of books donated by the BMW Warm Heart Fund, covering classics at home and abroad, sinology, traditional cultures, popular science and many other book categories, greatly meeting children’s desire for extracurricular reading. The BMW Warm Heart Fund also donated five smart blackboards to Danma School, hoping to trigger students’ passion for study with more intelligent and interactive teaching facilities and improve teaching efficiency.

Apart from donations, Wutai Primary School and Danma School also gained continuous care and support from all walks of life motivated by the voluntary caring actions of local BMW dealers and BMW Warm Heart Customer Clubs. The BMW JOY Home not only relies on its own operations to promote the healthy physical and mental growth of left-behind and migrant children, but also leverages its own social influence and innovative enabling means to engage stakeholders in children care. The BMW JOY Home aims to plant a seed for left-behind and migrant children with love and companionship, and let the seed take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit on the road of self-discovery and dream pursuit.

BMW China and BMW Brilliance donate epidemic prevention supplies to 44 left-behind children's schools in China

(Beijing) On May 14th, BMW China and BMW Brilliance donated epidemic prevention supplies worth RMB 700,000 to left-behind and migrant children in 44 BMW JOY Homes across the country, including 151,700 children masks, 22,900 adult masks, 3 temperature screening doors, 461 contactless infrared thermometers, 1,719 disinfectants and antimicrobial rinse-free hand sanitizers via the China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund. These supplies will be delivered to teachers and students in 44 schools. The delivery of these epidemic prevention supplies solved the urgent need of left-behind children's schools to resume classes in time, and provided much-needed epidemic prevention supplies for teachers and students.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak in China in January 2020, BMW China and BMW Brilliance have made three donations totalling RMB 35 million to the community to purchase urgently needed medical supplies on January 26th, February 12th and February 14th respectively, and funded the first national mental health and counselling hotline for medical staff, patients and the public. With Chinese society entering a new stage of normalized epidemic prevention and control, BMW China and BMW Brilliance continue to closely follow the development of the epidemic, pay attention to the needs of Chinese society, and focus on specific social groups seriously affected by the epidemic. Since the launch of BMW JOY Home in 2011, the program has been committed to supporting poor left-behind children and migrant children, and aims to provide left-behind children with equal development opportunities. The timeline for the re-opening of middle and primary schools has been announced in various parts of the country. Schools for left-behind children in some underdeveloped areas still need daily epidemic prevention supplies. After BMW China Corporate Social Responsibility conducted a detailed investigation of 75 BMW JOY Homes across the country, 44 of which have been found to be in urgent need of epidemic prevention supplies to support campus health management. To address this issue, BMW decided to provide assistance through the China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund.

In addition, BMW Corporate Social Responsibility takes full advantage of project BMW China Culture Journey, to help inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to promote intangible cultural heritage products in Hubei Province which is significantly affected by the epidemic, and support them as they navigate these difficult times.

Fill Gap of Lacking Educational Resources for Volunteers

2019 BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education Guidebook and Joyful Sports Guidebook Now Launched

(Beijing) On November 8th, the 2019 BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education Guidebook and Joyful Sports Guidebook were officially launched. Following the launch ceremony, BMW Brilliance and BMW China volunteers held a children’s traffic safety education class and a Joyful Sports Carnival for the children at Beijing Shijingshan Hua’ao School, the largest school for migrant children in Beijing. To lead by example as a pioneer of strategic CSR, BMW CSR released two guidebooks that aimed to enable social volunteers, traffic police, teachers, charity organizations and any member of the public interested in public welfare to provide children’s traffic safety education and show love and care to left-behind children. The Children’s Traffic Safety Education Guidebook and Joyful Sports Guidebook can be accessed for free on the official websites of the China Charity Federation and BMW Brilliance.

In 2005, BMW CSR officially launched BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education in China. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the program. During the execution of this program, BMW realized the urgent need for a practical and reliable children’s traffic safety education curriculum. To address this need, guided by the Ministry of Public Security’s Traffic Management Bureau and sponsored by the China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund, BMW CSR produced the Children’s Traffic Safety Education Guidebook in partnership with the Traffic Safety Research Center of the Ministry of Public Security and the China Children’s Press & Publication Group. This guidebook contains a comprehensive children’s traffic safety education curriculum and practical guidance for volunteering activities. Equipped with this guidebook and professional tools developed by the China Children’s Press & Publication Group’s, volunteers can deliver children's traffic safety education activities in schools, kindergarten and local communities upon completing professional training. The release of this guidebook shall promote the standardization and normalization of volunteer services to contribute to the development of volunteer services in the area of children’s traffic safety education.

BMW Joy Home is a BMW CSR program tailored to help left-behind children and migrant children. In 2017, the program completed its upgrade from charity donations to the enabling of its beneficiaries, combining enabling strategies and stakeholder engagement to contribute to the development of children’s physical and mental health. Sponsored by the China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund, the Joyful Sports Guidebook contains 30 Joyful Sports lesson plans and videos that demonstrate the rules and flow of Joyful Sports games so that volunteers can successfully organize Joyful Sports activities. This guidebook aims to help rural teachers and volunteers plan and develop sports activities suited to local conditions to improve left-behind children and migrant children’s physical and mental development. The guidebook shall be distributed to rural Physical Education teachers, volunteers and charity organizations nationwide for free.

Since its launch in 2018, BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education has led and trained BMW authorized dealers, car owners, associates, members of the media and the public to participate in volunteering activities under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security’s Traffic Management Bureau, providing children’s traffic safety experience classes in schools, kindergartens and local communities. Till now, more than two million people have experienced children’s traffic safety education classes held by BMW volunteers. BMW has also established 75 BMW Joy Homes across 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide and set up 40 football teams in schools for left-behind children, benefitting more than 80,000 left-behind children and migrant children.

Joyful Sports Guidebook

《Joyful Sports Guidebook》Teaching Demonstration Video

Lesson One: Passing the Ball Up and Down

Lesson Two: The Elephant Ball

Lesson Three: The Multiple Relay

Lesson Four: The Healthy Diet

Lesson Five: The Figure Relay

Lesson Six: The Seven-minute Ball Sports

Lesson Seven: The Three-leg Running

Lesson Eight: The Snail Racing

Lesson Nine: Saving the Money

Lesson Ten: Passing the Ball in Collaboration

Achieve More Aspiration with Joy

2019 BMW JOY Home Football Tournament Summer Camp Kicks off in Shenyang

(Shenyang) On July 22nd, the 2019 BMW JOY Home Football Tournament Summer Camp, jointly organized by China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund and China Education Development Foundation, officially kicked off in Shenyang. Ten joyful football teams from BMW JOY Home schools nationwide will spend a week competing on the football pitch and sharing the joy brought by football.

This summer camp was organized specially for the left-behind and migrant children from BMW JOY Home schools. A total of ten joyful football teams from Liaoning, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi, Anhui and other provinces and autonomous regions gathered in Shenyang, including one team comprised entirely of girl players. During the summer camp, the young players will not only receive football training and participate in football matches, but also visit the BMW Brilliance Plant Tiexi in Shenyang and attend interesting classes organized by BMW associate and customer volunteers, as well as other colorful summer camp activities, adding up to an unforgettable and fruitful summer.

Mr. Hu Chuanmu, Assistant to the President of China Charity Federation, said at the kick-off ceremony, “In the context of campus football in our country as well as the government’s emphasis on the healthy physical and mental growth of left-behind children, China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund has taken the initiative to enact the policy outlined in the ‘Guidance on Accelerated Development of Teenager Campus Football’ – a document jointly released by the Ministry of Education and five other ministries. We have upgraded our public welfare concept from ‘donation aid’ to ‘enabling’ so as to carefully design and implement project activities with a focus on the themes of ‘Joyful Football’ and ‘Joyful Sports’, managing to improve the mental health of left-behind and migrant children and to promote campus football from a social public welfare perspective.”

Caring for the physically and mentally healthy development of left-behind and migrant children in China’s disadvantaged regions has long been one of the main planks in BMW's corporate social responsibility platform. Mr. Daniel Schaefer, Senior Vice President of Technology and Manufacturing of BMW Brilliance, said at the kick-off ceremony, "Over the past eight years since BMW JOY Home launched in 2011, the project has made great contributions in improving the living conditions of left-behind and migrant children in synergy efforts with BMW customers, dealers, associates and other stakeholders. The power of one company’s CSR project is limited, but the power of the whole society is boundless. BMW JOY Home expects to cooperate with more social public welfare organizations and people, and to work with stakeholders to contribute continuously to a better society."

Since 2017 when BMW JOY Home was upgraded from charitable donation to enabling, the project has shifted to focus on “Joyful Football” and “Joyful Sports”. So far, with the support of China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund, 35 BMW JOY Home Joyful Football Teams have been set up in 23 provinces and administrative divisions across the country. Over the past two years, BMW JOY Home has conducted 39 times on-campus football training for a total of more than 290 days, benefiting more than 1,300 children. Within the first half year of 2019, BMW JOY Home has organized the 10-day-long on-campus football training respectively in ten BMW JOY Home schools, providing systematic and professional football training for left-behind and migrant children. In the second half year, the training will be expanded to another ten schools across the country.

BMW has established close partnerships with China Charity Federation and China Education Development Foundation, as exemplified by such joint activities, which aims to establish more BMW JOY Homes and joyful football teams; and the “Public Welfare Training Project for Campus Football Teachers”, in cooperation with China Education Development Foundation, with the aim of improving the physical education teachers’ teaching skills on football. Up until now, nearly 500 physical education teachers in middle and primary schools across the country have benefited from this training. “The Joyful Sports Guidebook”, funded by China Charity Federation-BMW Warm Heart Fund, will be upgraded and published in the second half year of 2019. This guidebook will provide rural teachers and public volunteers with professional sports guidance for free, to promote the healthy development of left-behind and migrant children and promote the education concept of “Joyful Football” and “Joyful Sports” to wider society.

Since BMW JOY Home launched in 2011, 75 BMW JOY Homes have been established in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, and over 400 activities have been organized, with nearly 10,000 BMW customers, dealers and associates participating. More than 80,000 left-behind and migrant children have benefited from these activities.

In 2018, the upgraded "BMW JOY Home"

has achieved promising initial results

The BMW Joyful Sports Carnival has been held more than 10 times in BMW JOY Homes nationwide in year 2018. BMW JOY Home students and BMW volunteers play educational and enjoyable games, including football games in the activities. Near 300 BMW associates, car owners, dealers and media took part in the activities as volunteers, and made the children feel about the joy of growth and sports during play games. By the end of year 2018, 26 football teams have been set up in BMW JOY Home schools nationwide, and professional football training institutions have been invited to conduct the 5 to 10 days training programs 28 times for 25 football teams, benefiting near 900 students and teachers in BMW JOY Homes.

In June 2018, BMW launched the “2018 Campus Football Teacher Training Program” in partnership with China Education Development Foundation, and has since provided training for nearly 400 PE teachers from primary and secondary schools in Urumqi, Wuhan, Guiyang, and Beijing.

In July 2018, the first BMW JOY Home Football Tournament Summer Camp was held in Shenyang; it is also the first football summer camp specially organized for left-behind and migrant children. 10 participating teams, from 10 provinces and autonomous regions including Qinghai, Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, and Ningxia, were selected from the 22 BMW JOY Home football teams nationwide. During the one-week summer camp, 100 primary school students between the ages of 9 to 12 as well as 20 physical education teachers received “Joyful Football” skills training, took visits and competed for the championship in Shenyang.

Since the launch of BMW JOY Home in 2011, BMW has set up 68 BMW JOY Home schools in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, and organized over 400 sessions of activities, benefiting more than 80,000 left-behind and migrant children. Nearly 10,000 BMW warm heart customers, dealers and associates participated in BMW JOY Home’s volunteer service activities.

BMW JOY Home, which adopts an innovative “Joyful Sports” education model and a sustainable operating model, provides sports classes and football guidance for China’s mobile and left-behind children. Through professional training to improve physical education in the schools for mobile and left-behind children, this program also contributes to the development of the children’s physical and mental health, and narrows the gap between underprivileged schools and urban schools. This program has been widely recognized by government departments, BMW stakeholders, the media and the public.

2017 BMW JOY Home Launched with Brand-new Concept

Joyful Sports

In 2017, the BMW JOY Home program upgraded from charitable donations to the empowerment of its beneficiaries through the launch of “Joyful Football”, a program that aims to improve left-behind children's physical and mental health through various sports and advanced education concepts.

Since June, BMW together with NGOs and BMW warm-hearted car owners has fully implemented Joyful Sports. In June, 2017 BMW JOY Home Joyful Sports Training was held for nearly a hundred warm-hearted car owners and dealers. In August, the Joyful Sports Teacher Training was held with the participation of more than 60 principals and PE teachers. From October to December, BMW implemented a three-day Joyful Sports sample curriculum at 6 JOY Homes, and completed a 10-day in-depth children’s football training camp at 5 JOY Homes. In November, more than 40 volunteers made up of BMW associates and the media organized a Joyful Sports Carnival for students from Beijing Xingzhi Primary School. And on December 8, the first BMW JOY Home’s Joyful Football Beijing team was established at Shijingshan Hua’ao School.

By 2018, BMW plans to set up at least 20 football teams at JOY Homes and hold interschool summer camps and football tournaments.

56 BMW JOY Homes have been established across 28 provinces in China. More than 400 activities have been held, benefiting more than 60,000 left-behind children.

2015 Art Theme Campaign

Paint for Future

China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund, together with BMW dealers, launched 2015 Art Theme Campaign - “Paint for Future”. BMW associates, car owners and warm-hearted people were actively engaged to bring the long-term art curriculum to JOY Homes nationwide, guiding the children to think about their hometown, environment and future, and encouraging them to express their thoughts by painting. With the campaign, CCF BMW WHF advocated facing life with a more positive and happier attitude among all “family members”, and inspired the art potential of the children in JOY Homes and help them grow up happily and healthily through professional guidance and practical support.

The art theme campaign was rolled out among dealers nationwide successively, engaging more than 500 warm heart car owners and volunteers to bring nearly 1,000 art lectures to the children in JOY Homes. The Art Exhibition themed “1,000 Art Classes in JOY Homes” was held in Beijing, exhibiting 65 outstanding pieces of children’s artwork.

2014 Marathon Theme Campaign

Run for Love

China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund launched 2014 Marathon Theme Event - “Run for Love”. The BMW dealers across the country take part in this event, and 37 running groups were established. In this year, about 1,200 volunteers joined the journey of “Run for Love” and ran over 10,000 kilometers with the children from BMW JOY Homes nationwide. Meanwhile, in BOCC, more than 20,000 people took part in this activity online to support the special little athletes of BMW JOY Home. And, about 100 little athletes were selected to join the 2014 Shanghai International Marathon race as the representatives of BMW Warm Heart Fund Joy Home.

2013 Environment Theme Campaign

Protecting our Plant Friends

In 2013, China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund launched the “Protecting our Plant Friends” BMW JOY Home Children Care Program 2013 Theme Campaign nationwide. By looking at different species of plants across China, this program will encourage children to become interested in the natural world and environmental protection.

As part of this program, both JOY Home children and BMW customers participated in a series of environmental protection activities. These include: taking care of potted plants, visiting botanical gardens, and taking part in environmentally-themed photography contests. The campaign started in April. As of November, 33 dealers carried it out in their respective “BMW JOY Homes”, and nearly 1,600 BMW customers and 2,500 students participated in the campaign.

2012 Warm Heart Sports Game

Cheer up the Olympics with Love

As the official partner of the 2012 London Olympic Games, BMW carried out a series of Olympic-themed activities around the world, including in China. With the aim of helping the children of BMW JOY Homes to feel the Olympic spirit and enjoy the pleasure of sports, China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund launched “Cheer up the Olympics with Love”—BMW JOY Home 2012 Warm Heart Sports Game.

BMW JOY Home Warm Heart Sports Game had three phases: dealer-level preliminary competitions; regional PK competitions; and the national-level final tournament. Through these layers of selection, twenty families from four regions were eventually selected to attend the national final tournament held in Beijing in July 2012.


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