Opportunities shape your future
If you are seeking for an innovative global platform, welcome to BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. In here, every hard working is appreciated and you will have access to personal in-depth training. Each position takes different responsibilities which makes the days spent in BMW Brilliance full of challenges and passion. Joining BMW Brilliance, beginning your wonderful future.
As an innovative premium automotive manufacturer, BMW Brilliance provides comfortable working environment, excellent team work and challenging projects. What we ask for is experienced professionals and executives. If you are enthusiastic about BMW products, why not join BMW Brilliance as a new challenger.
You, struggling for next target
You, perturbed in mind after long time struggle
You, whirling in a thousand thoughts ask for a convincing reason
-----Lighting BMW
Confused, you hesitate at the crossroad to your future path. You may be want to experience an international platform or amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. Then why not take the direct path as an intern in BMW Brilliance where there are diverse departments, supportive colleagues, targeted training plan and high-end annual meeting.
Please send your resume to careerbj@bmw-brilliance.cn if you are interested in Talent Recruiting, Public Relations, After-sales Service, Customer Relations and Brand Management.
If you want to know more about the cutting edge of automobile manufacture industry and technology, please send your resume to Internship@bmw-brilliance.cn.